Hi people.
This is going to be a short post.
I honestly haven't been on Panfu since Friday....
And before Friday I hadn't been on it for.. what, 2 weeks I think?
I hate to say it... but I'm not as interested in Panfu anymore as I used to be.
Don't get this wrong, I'm not saying I'm leaving Panfu and deleting this blog. What I'm trying to say is that I'm just not going on Panfu as much as I used to. And my lack of posts could of probably given you an idea as well.
And as you've probably seen, my posts haven't really been about Panfu. I just don't know what to write about it anymore. Like whenever I go on Panfu I don't see any of my friends.
I'm still going to post stuff now and then :)
So Yeah...
That's all...
Signing out-
Rosey675 :P
Yeah I don't really play Panfu that much either and I'm sorta starting to think about stop doing the posts about the quests and stuff... Like I think I'm just getting to old for Panfu. it is for ages 6-12....